Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 4

High: Slept in and it was fabulous!

Low: Didn't get as much done as I wanted to.... guess tomorrow will be laundry day :(

Ameba -any of numerous freshwater, marine, or parasitic one-celled protozoa of the order Amoebida, characterized by a granular nucleus surrounded by a jellylike mass of cytoplasm that forms temporary extensions, or pseudopodia, by which the organism moves, engulfs food particles, and forms food vacuoles. (

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 3

High: I got to take a long, warm, relaxing bubble bath after work -TGIF!

Low: I had some bad, bad soup for lunch...ick!

Meiosis - cellular division that yields four gametes through two cellular divisions (

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 2

High: I tried a new kind of Rice-a-roni and it was awesome! New favorite!

Low: Paid the credit card bill and have no more 'fun' money this month...but its only this month for ten more days ;)

Blastula -an early metazoan embryo typically having the form of a hollow fluid-filled rounded cavity bounded by a single layer of cell. (

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 1 (high-lows and vocab)

Highs and lows. It is something that varies groups I've been involved with do to catch up with each other before we get down to business. You go around the group and mention the best part of your day (week, month, etc) and the worst part. Its was a way to quickly stay connected with each other lives, which is important when you are a bunch of girls that are meeting for another purpose... the girls and I in my college bible study could talk about our week for hours, but our bible study was only an hour, hence starting the "High-lows" tradition.

I am hoping that starting "high-lows" here will help me to accomplish my goal to write more. The idea is that I will form a habit of writing daily. A lot of my problem comes from my less-than-perfect time management and some of it comes from the pressure of deciding what to write about. I read a lot of blogs and feel like my writing skills don't measure up, and I am envious of their ability to write and keep at it. I want that.

I want this blog to be an outlet -living alone is, well, lonely sometimes!
I want this blog to be therapeutic -I hate how I talk to much, but I admit it is such a release for me. I feel stressed when I feel something goes unsaid, but making others feel stressed from my constant stream of sound makes me feel terrible.
I want this blog to be informative -I am passionate about things, and want to be able to show it.
I want this blog to be a learning experience - I feel like sharing and developing my writing will be good for me.

So....without further ado... the first day of "High-lows"!

High- I realized (again lol) what direction I want my career to move in. I can't believe I ever forgot and start to feel like I am doomed to wonder forever. CDC here I come!

Low- I talk to much... we have a new intern and I am doing my best not to tell her my life story in her first week, but day 2 was a failure (not as much as day 1 yesterday, but still).

Oh! Also, in an attempt to bolster up my vocabulary (mostly biological words, sorry) lets put one of those in a day, too!

Biology -the science of life <3