Saturday, May 22, 2010

I have such high hopes for Saturdays

If I were to write today, it would go a little something like this:

"""""OK, this is it, today is the day! Izzy and I have been laying in bed all day long (and I thought getting a dog would help me get up earlier, but Izzy happens to be a nap-lover like myself) and missed all kinds of opportunities to get things done, go on an adventure or do ANYTHING! How do I break the cycle? I had such high hopes last night. I don't want to conquer all the chores, organize my whole life, visit every museum in the area, read every new magazine/book I own or make plans with everyone I have ever know.

I just want to accomplish something (or feel like I have the will power to get up before 3:30 in the afternoon. We have been awake since 8:30, people! why can't I summon the will to get up and have a good saturday?)"""""

But, if we're being honest here, that's what I would write EVERY Saturday....I need to break the cycle. I want to change...and so I'm off to try.

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