Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I have a B.S. in Biological Sciences... and the only work I've done this week was cleaning my mother's house for which I received $20. So, I have the $ for my monthly gym fee, which is good because thats about the only place I go lately. But this cycle of just only working enough to pay the for the gym, and only going to the gym because its the only activity I can afford has to stop.... Well, not stop, but the working part has to expand so that I can do something else before I go crazy. Being at home is far calmer than living at school, and it would be great if I could get out of the house. I feel useless and need some sort of stimulation; this vacation has gone on far too long for my taste.

I've tried other avenues of entertainment while the job searching is slow (Excuse me, not the "searching"-->the "finding." I apply endlessly with no concrete results) including joining a gym (see above), rearranging the room I share with my brother to give us both our space (I basically built myself a glorified fort), organizing all of my belongings/photographs/contents of my hard drive, and trying to find a dog to adopt. I have tried but I just can't help feeling ...stuck?

Thank goodness for visits from Michael. Taking me out, giving me flowers, and just bringing a different day in a row of monotony makes it bearable. I'm glad we still have the ability to travel and visit, unlike the situation that a lot of my friends and I are in --> Hope everyone is having fun back at school and I will visit ASAP! :)


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