Sunday, December 27, 2009

So, this blog is not turning out how I thought.... refusing to write in it until Mike does again isn;t working.... thoughts? none

Monday, December 7, 2009

Excited!!!! and being both at the sme time possible?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today I had a very different night out than I am used felt "grown-up" in a good 20-something way. A perfect start to my 24th year...or is it 25th?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I am twenty-four today... :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Today, while watching the Simpsons, I began to wonder... where will I be a year from now? 5 years from now? 10? 25? The episode was about a documentary started about homer and other various springfield kids when they were 8 years old. The interviewer checked back with them every eight years to document how their lives progressed.

I don't even know how to begin to answer that, because I don't know what I want... or even know how to start figuring it out. This disturbs me and is currently causing me great stress,which in turn puts unnecessary strain on every relationship in my life, which in turn makes me rethink the roles I am in, which makes me ask myself: am I happy with my decisions now? will I be happy with them later? or am I ruining my life as well as the lives of those closest to me by not actively seeking whatever it is I should be seeking...?

Way too deep.... maybe I'll just go take a nap. ;)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


According to:
" du·et (dōō-ět', dyōō-)
  1. Music

    1. A composition for two voices or two instruments.

    2. A group of two singers or two instrumentalists.

  2. A pair. "

My original plan was not to update until after Michael did. This was "our" blog and I wanted to see it remain that way. However....just a bit over two months later I am still alone.

I'll give a short update now, and then will continue regularly from now on.


Whoo-hoo, its true! This happened just after my last post. I got an apt and Izzy and I moved away from home to start a real "adult life." I love it.... I think.

Friday, September 11, 2009

We have all heard of dads having sympathy pains when moms are pregnant, but it doesn't end there... everyone has that friend that watches some medical show and shortly after develops similar symptoms...

For me, this idea is getting out of hand. I'm a big believer in mind of matter in most situations, but there are some instances where I couldn't shake the sympathy pains... like this week.

Mike has been cleared to play sports! Yay! and after his first ultimate frisbee game back, he had a sore be expected... but why did I have one?! Most of the time, my bad knees are just fine...but a few times a year movement is near impossible. I blamed coincidence and moved on. Then Mike became sick with a sore throat, congestion, coughing, malaise....etc. I developed a scratchy throat, and icky feeling two days later. This would be normal... if we were within three hours of one another!! and it never became full blown sickness. Today he feels better and I start to feel better too....Am I crazy?!

Despite the fact that the day before my knee acted up I pushed myself hard in the gym, which could account for the pain, and the flu/cold has been going around my circle of contact for a month now, which could account for the slight illness, some things are just weird...

and I think I know why....Mirror Neurons! Yes, Mirror Neurons! They exist! I am not crazy!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

the flavor of in-between

The last week or so has been the most busy uneventful week of the summer. Let me explain. I've been home since early May, after Lauren and I graduated from Illinois State University (go redbirds / gnomes). Cue the summer after graduation, the unpredictable and boring time that passes wondering when Mr. Corporation will give you that first job. You see, this is exactly the flavor of all the mostly uneventful time between May and now. It sucks. You send applications, wait, and repeat. Not just a couple applications, hundreds, while also struggling with the idea that you now live at home. This is not, however, the only thing occupying my time. Since Last October I have been illustrating pictures for a children's book written by Chris Karver. I was fortunate enough to beat out something like 45 other artists (although I believe only about 10 of which actually had any training or experience). Anyway, this has been my creative burden for the past year, and I've just surpassed half of the 55 pictures I'm slotted to finish. This is the weight of the world, and I'm Atlas. Something else to consider, in February I tore my ACL playing Ultimate Frisbee for the Illinois State Gnomes. It was the worst pain I've ever felt, besides when I smashed my finger in between two dumbells my sophomore year of high school; I get to tell people I had plastic surgeons put my finger back together . I've never had such a lengthy injury, so I had to buckle down and work for 6 months to recover fully from it while missing the last half of my senior season. Also sucks (no sympathy needed, my mom fed me 3 meals a day for the first week I was recovering). The point of all of this is to paint a picture of where I'm at now, partially working, with no real job, and freshly off a 6 month rehab guantlet. I played Ultimate again for the first time Sunday, and today feel like a 90 year old man because I can't walk. I finished one picture this week for the book and haven't done much else, except watched an occasional AMC movie. I'm ready to play competitive Ultimate again, and hope to get on a team for the spring season. I'm ready to finish this book and do a couple small book tours throughout Illinois; maybe you'll see me at your local Barnes & Noble. I'm ready to get a job, and have someone pay me to be creative, check out my work at, it won't bite. This is the time in-between college and working for the rest of your life. This is that dreaded lull in action, the race to see if you can secure a job and move out of your parent's place before you even get settled in. I'm settled in but will do anything to get out of here. Although I don't mind getting a couple hot meals a day from my mom.

more posts on Ultimate, artwork, post-collegeness, and life (not the cereal), to come


Got a puppy!

...and by puppy I mean dog....and by dog I mean a 12 year old Shetland sheepdog! So, I have been really bummed about this summer being so unproductive and monotonous (see below) but a 14 pound sheltie has broken the boredom cycle! :) I have been looking around at local shelters for a dog for about a month now. My mom finally agreed to a dog now that I am 23 (my brother and I begged as children for any pet) but thats ok, I'll take it. Her rules about a dog were as follows: 10 pounds and if she falls in love with it, I have to leave it at home when I move out. In essence, I was picking out a dog for her, taking care of getting in acclimated to our cat, and responsible for its well being until further notice ...which is fine with me, I just wanted one and now was the perfect time: No job = lots of time.

Mike and I spent last week searching the internet and visiting my local shelter. When we found a dog everyone liked, he was not ready to be adopted. He had just come in and would be available in two days. The staff told us to come back if we wanted to adopt him. We went back, but since another family was interested in him they decided to interview us and then choose. We had our interview first then they let us play with him. I was not too attached to this dog (I didn't get to pet him the first time or anything, we just saw him through bars) but after we took him out and found out how friendly he was, I definitely wanted to take him home Unfortunately when we came back in, they told us they had chosen the other family....while I was still holding him! I was crushed and poor Mike had to try and remind me that there are plenty of dogs that need homes and we will find one that needs us. It was still sad for me.

Then on Sunday my mother and I went to another shelter to look. When we walked in, there were two lines: One full of people filling out adoption forms and one full of people giving up their pets. In the middle of all the dogs, cats and ferrets was this little Lassie- looking dog. My mom loved her, even though she was a bit bigger then she wanted (she was 14 lbs) we couldn't leave her there. We were able to take her right home! We did look at the animals in the back and it was so sad and scary there....If you are looking for a dog GO TO YOUR LOCAL SHELTER :) There are many lovable pets just waiting for a home.

Izzy is my new dogs name. Izzy sits. Izzy stays. Izzy shakes paws/hands. Izzy doesn't bark.

I love my Izzy. <3>

Bottom line....Doing something constructive while waiting in between graduation and starting work is a good thing! ----> You can find a new friend here :)


I have a B.S. in Biological Sciences... and the only work I've done this week was cleaning my mother's house for which I received $20. So, I have the $ for my monthly gym fee, which is good because thats about the only place I go lately. But this cycle of just only working enough to pay the for the gym, and only going to the gym because its the only activity I can afford has to stop.... Well, not stop, but the working part has to expand so that I can do something else before I go crazy. Being at home is far calmer than living at school, and it would be great if I could get out of the house. I feel useless and need some sort of stimulation; this vacation has gone on far too long for my taste.

I've tried other avenues of entertainment while the job searching is slow (Excuse me, not the "searching"-->the "finding." I apply endlessly with no concrete results) including joining a gym (see above), rearranging the room I share with my brother to give us both our space (I basically built myself a glorified fort), organizing all of my belongings/photographs/contents of my hard drive, and trying to find a dog to adopt. I have tried but I just can't help feeling ...stuck?

Thank goodness for visits from Michael. Taking me out, giving me flowers, and just bringing a different day in a row of monotony makes it bearable. I'm glad we still have the ability to travel and visit, unlike the situation that a lot of my friends and I are in --> Hope everyone is having fun back at school and I will visit ASAP! :)


Inspiring art from an inspiration

Lauren dealing with germs aside, our anniversary was a complete success. I believe the most notable event would be her gift to me. It is an ink illustration/collage of the both of us. This may not seem very impressive on it's own, but you may like to know who concocted the illustration. Her name is Susan Buice, a somewhat underground niche artist with an inspiringly beautiful, borderline melancholy style. Her most prolific work to date being the well received film "Four-Eyed Monsters." An indie, and independently funded project, FEM focuses on an attempted platonic and silent relationship heavily documented by Susan and other co-creator Arin Crumley, who are also the couple under surveillance. The film captures the whimsical pace, finesse, and structure of a modern relationship disguised as artwork disguised as a project. Although this film was conceived a couple years ago, you should definitely check it out and wash it down with the web series that follows it chronologically for a very fresh piece of art and modern documentation; you will definitely have a different opinion of indie films afterwards. It's one of my favorite slices of internet watchability and will probably be one of yours too.

Check her stuff out at


If you know me at all

You try to play it safe. You wash your hands for 20 seconds. You don't chew gum you find stuck under a table. You don't eat food of the floor. You spray down the gym equipment before/after you use it.

and then, while you are sitting in your car minding your own business, enjoying the breeze from your open windows....BAM! A gust from a passing train kicks up a very old and dirty burger wrapper and used napkin that slaps you right across the face. eww.



Wow! This is awesome and I am totally excited to start this. I have tried and failed to keep up any journal, blog, vlog, diary, or even to-do" list I ever started, and even though I have talked about doing something like this to keep myself occupied/motivated after college I never did. Good thing you know me so well, Mike, and as always thank you for giving me the little push. <3

But, other than that I cannot think of one thing to say right now...imagine, speachless?! Not often....


the first go-round

this blog has started as a one year anniversary present/idea for my current girlfriend, Lauren. The idea behind the endeavor is to document and record both of our experiences in the "real world" after college. I imagine it will start as a way for us to update each other on the nuances of finding a job, having a long-distance relationship, and any little thing in between, whether it be creative, political, or merely inspirational. We are objects of experiment and the world is now our playground. We do not seek, we find. Why does everything I say sound like a leprechaun?